Ramush Ademi
Judge - Basic Court Gjilan

Ramush Ademi is a Judge in the General Department - Division for Offence of the Basic Court in Gjilan. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Prishtina in 1980, and finished Bar exam in 2010. Professional Practice he did in the Municipal Court in Gjilan, from 1980 to 1981. Immediately after the internship was appointed as a Judge in Municipal minor Offence Court where he worked two years. But back to the period 1988-1990 and in 2000-2010 was a judge Ademi he also worked as a judge in the Municipal Court for Offences in Gjilan. The administrator also served in Municipal minor Offence Court in Gjilan from 2011 to 2012. In August 2012 again started to work as a judge in the Municipal Court for Offences and continued until December of the same year. On 01.01.2013 he was appointed Judge in the General Department - Division for violation of the Basic Court in Gjilan where work still continues. Besides working in court, Judge Ademi has been the secretary of Administration and Budget in Municipal Assembly Gjilan.